Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Wonder Tasks

In class we have been reading a book called Wonder.
I found out the meaning of some words.

Petrified so scared that you're unable to move

Hysterical affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion

Anomalies something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected

An elective is a placement undertaken as part of a medical degree. The content and setting of the placement are largely decided by the student undertaking it, with some students choosing to spend it in a different country

My Mihi

Kia Ora koutou.
Ko Wyatt Brooking tōku ingoa.
No Hamilton ahau.
Ko Endeavor tōku waka.
Ko Ngati Pakeha tōku iwi.
Ko Taranaki tōku maunga.
Ko Waikato tōku awa.
Ko Angala tōku whaea.
Ko Kathy tōku Kuia
Tēnā koutou katoa.x


We have been learning about Maori tikanga and I made a stop animation to show what I had learnt about Koha.